Marc Maron’s Top10
Comedian and expert conversationalist Marc Maron is the creator and star of the IFC series Maron, the host of the twice-weekly podcast WTF with Marc Maron, and the author of the books The Jerusalem Syndrome (2001) and Attempting Normal (2013).
Carol Reed
The Third Man
This is Welles and Cotton at their best. The scene on the Riesenrad Ferris wheel is menacing and genius. Carol Reed’s vision for the darkness of this film that illuminates the thinly veiled chaos of postwar Europe is beautiful. I can watch this film over and over.
Robert Altman
Short Cuts
Not everyone’s favorite Altman, and maybe not even mine, but I’ve always found it to be a celebration of life. I am alone in this interpretation.
Sidney Lumet
12 Angry Men
Henry Fonda and Lee J. Cobb. Enough said.
Sam Peckinpah
Straw Dogs
I love Peckinpah, and this was a unique take for him on the whole male psyche trip. Math wins.
Bob Rafelson
Five Easy Pieces
This film really put the farce of the cultured and the idea of existentialism on the map for me as an American. Nicholson is really at his best here.
Stanley Kubrick
The Killing
Being able to watch Sterling Hayden for this long is spectacular. Kubrick learning is awesome as well.
Roman Polanski
Rosemary’s Baby
I love this movie primarily because I like New York in it. Oh, and devil worship. Love devil worship. Oh, and Cassavetes acting is always amazing.
Brian De Palma
Blow Out
“Good scream.”
Lawrence Kasdan
The Big Chill
I loved this movie when I was a kid. It made boomers cool. That didn’t really last.