3 Results
Smiles of a Summer Night: Midsummer Merry-Go-Round
In the midst of a tumultuous period in his life and career, Ingmar Bergman made one of his most ebullient comedies.
Sawdust and Tinsel: The Lower Depths
Ingmar Bergman made some outstanding films before Sawdust and Tinsel (1953). But that film, released in America under the meretricious title The Naked Night—and known in Sweden as The Clown’s Evening—was the first that no other director could h…
There was also, let it not be forgotten, a Polish New Wave, even if not so labeled. One of its big billows for our imagination to surf on was Andrzej Wajda’s Kanal, made in 1956 and released in 1957. It was the centerpiece of the so-called war tril…