Author Spotlight

Jean-Pierre Berthomé

Jean-Pierre Berthomé is a professor emeritus at Rennes University, where, in the 1980s, he created the department of film studies. He contributes regularly to the French film monthly Positif and has written a dozen books, including on Demy, Orson Welles, Max Ophuls, and art direction. The third updated edition of Jacques Demy et les racines du rêve will appear in September 2014.

1 Results
Jacques Demy and Nantes: The Roots of Enchantment
Jacques Demy and Nantes: The Roots of Enchantment

A friend and longtime scholar of Jacques Demy ruminates on the great director’s career, as well as the port hometown they shared—which would become a magical movie location.

By Jean-Pierre Berthomé